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BlackDog Minecraft MultiVerse
Bonus points

The BlackDog Rules

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Behave ethically

Exercise common sense




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BlackDog respects your privacy. Our own software captures no personally-identifying information about our players. Having said that, the Minecraft server logs contain player IP addresses which are linked to player userids. The logs also contain operational information that is useful to us for game-play issue resolution and debugging. These data are accessible only to our computer operations staff. The data are not accessible to other players or to in-game admins or ops.

Server logs are deleted on a rotating basis, after seven days. So IP data in server logs are retained for no more than seven days.

The logs are also included in server backups. Server backups are deleted on a rotating basis, after two days. So IP data in server logs contained in backups are retained for no more than two additional days, for a total of nine days.

Bonus points are usually awarded in the form of Bags of Gold. You must pick up the bag to capture the award.

Earn bonus points: Building

  • 1000Your first home in BlackDog
  • 1000Your first home in WhiteDog
  • 2000A more expansive home in BlackDog or WhiteDog
  • 3000+Extraordinary builds in survival worlds; multiple awards available
  • 5000SkyBlock level 100

    Earn bonus points: Arcade minigames

  • 100Minigames win
  • 500Second highest daily score
  • 1000Highest daily score

    Earn bonus points: Parkour

  • 5000Finish

    Earn bonus points: MobHunting

    A bag of gold is dropped by each monster killed in BlackDog, SkyBlock, TheCity, WhiteDog, and YellowDog. You must retrieve the bag to earn the award.
  • 5small MagmaCube, small Slime
  • 10Giant, Golem, medium MagmaCube, medium Slime
  • 20large MagmaCube, large Slime
  • 30Endermite, PolarBear, Vex
  • 50CaveSpider, Creeper, Enderman, Ghast, Husk, ZombiePigman, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Stray, Spider, Vindicator, Witch, Zombie
  • 100Blaze, Evoker, Guardian
  • 500Wither
  • 10000first EnderDragon
  • 500subsequent EnderDragon
    Awards are increased by 50% for bow-and-arrow kills at more than 50 meters (which are also safer).
    Awards are increased by 50% in YellowDog, where probability of death is significantly higher.

    Warning: Monster death tax

    There is a death tax of 250 bonus points if you are killed by a monster.

    Redeem bonus points: Restricted world access

    Bonus worlds may be visited by invitation only. If you can't wait, and you have the necessary bonus points, ask for an invitation.
  • 25000WhiteDog
  • 25000TheCity
  • 25000YellowDog

    Redeem bonus points: Pets

    Pets assist you, but they are vulnerable (they can die). You can find and tame your own. Alternatively, they may be purchased from the Sheriff. Available in BlackDog, WhiteDog, and TheCity.
  • 10000Cat (tamed Ocelot); helps keep Creepers at bay
  • 10000Dog (tamed Wolf); defends against attacks by Skeletons and Zombies

    Redeem bonus points: Experience

    Experience is useful to repair and add enchantments to armor and weapons. Experience points are earned by mining blocks and killing monsters. Alternatively, they may be purchased from the Sheriff. Available in BlackDog, WhiteDog, and TheCity.
  • 5000500 experience points

    Redeem bonus points: Exceptional tools and weapons

    More efficient tools make life easier. You can craft and enchant your own. Alternatively, they may be purchased from the Sheriff. Available in BlackDog, WhiteDog, and TheCity.
  • 2500Saddle
  • 5000Bow with Power IV and Unbreaking III and Mending
  • 5000Diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III and Mending
  • 5000Diamond sword with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III and Mending
  • 5000Bow with Infinity

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